Recruitment and selection are very important aspects of a company, but so are many other things like marketing. Companies at times may forget to put a budget aside for recruitment and selection. The question of why organizations decide to allocate more resources toward marketing or product design rather than using those same resources to do a really good job in employee recruitment and selection is a great question. My answer is that without marking there won’t be the business of people purchasing the product. Marking is the best way to get a company going and to start making an income. If there is no marking people may never know about the company. In order to have a selling product you have to have both a great product and great marketing. Recruitment tends to get put in the back as the least worry until companies start to grow, A weakness of an organization’s decision to not prioritize recruitment and selection in favor of a focus on other aspects of the business is that a company may never fully start. I think it is important for a company to understand that staffing is an important part of making a company successful. It starts with the person hired to help with marketing and product development. Without those people, there is no potential company. A strength is that they can focus on other areas where they feel they may be more successful and start as a small group. They may be successful without the help of others and then it cost them less to get started as they aren’t having to pay as many staff. It is all-important, but I think it also depends on the type of company and how big and fast it is growing.

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