Hello and welcome back.
So this week, we finished up submitting our first block of code into our main GitHub repository, which was a good refresher. It has been a bit since I have used GitHub, and it was good to relearn that. We tasked each other with finishing up our portion of the disassembler code, where we took 1/4th of the Intel 8080 instructions, and named them for later use.
This week were are creating our emulator, which need less coding, yet was more difficult. This took more effort to break down what each code we were going to use with our ROM. Luckily, the number of instructions we had to code was far less than the disassembler. We are working on getting those instructions written and merge them into the GitHub repository. We can then move on to testing the emulator and get it working with sound, buttons, and finally building a GUI if we have time.
This week, I have also spent a good deal of time looking through the school resources for future opportunities with companies in and around my area. I am receiving a lot more Handshake requests, but many of the jobs are outside of my area, which is Portland, Oregon, and I am not willing to relocate. I will continue my search for companies with a local presence, which I know exist. A little less than two months until graduation, so I got to get on this.