Week 1 – Blog Post: Job Application Experiences

As an applicant for the communications internship position at Brown & Brown Insurance Company, my experiences during the job application process were a mixture of excitement, learning, and self-reflection. It was my first actual interview with a company, and while the experience went reasonably well, it was evident that I was unprepared for the level of professionalism and focus required.

During the interview, I made the mistake of responding too casually when asked to “tell me about yourself.” Instead of highlighting my relevant experiences and skills, I veered into discussing my hobbies, completely neglecting to mention my prior work history. This oversight served as a wake-up call, highlighting the importance of thorough preparation and understanding the significance of tailoring responses to the job at hand.

While I didn’t ultimately receive the job offer, the interview process offered valuable insights into both the position and the company culture. As the role was explained further, it became apparent that it leaned more towards an administrative assistant position rather than a hands-on communications role. This realization made me reassess my initial excitement about the job, as it didn’t align with my career aspirations and desire for meaningful communication tasks.

Despite not securing the position, the experience was incredibly beneficial. It taught me the importance of researching the role and company beforehand, as well as the necessity of presenting myself professionally and articulating my qualifications effectively. It provided clarity about what I was looking for in a job and what type of company culture I preferred. Moving forward, I am better equipped to approach interviews with confidence and preparedness, ensuring that I accurately represent myself and align my aspirations with the opportunities available.

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One response to “Week 1 – Blog Post: Job Application Experiences”

  1. Nate Shuster Avatar
    Nate Shuster

    Hello Randy! Thanks for sharing your experience about your interview and application process at Brown & Brown! For my first interview, I also felt unprepared for the questions that I was facing, as well as not being on the level of professionalism required of me just yet. In those types of interviews, answering even the most basic questions can seem like the hardest challenge imaginable. The sense of failure is what gives us the confidence to apply for another job, learn from our mistakes, and succeed in the next available opportunity. It can be hard, but recognizing your mistakes and being honest with yourself just like you have reflected throughout the post is most beneficial from rebuilding and attempting once again. Great post and have a good one!

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