
Seventh Blog Term 2

This week I have been working pretty much exclusively on research and my other capstone. Although I basically finished the other capstone already, as it has accomplished all tasks that have been set out for it , I have continued to improve on it. I home brewed a small YOLO (you only look once) CNN for multi-object detection. It’s much more complex than a simple resnet implementation as it requires a custom loss as opposed to a simple MSE loss method. I managed to get it to work, and it gave me a lot of insight in how to create a functioning NN that is specifically crafted for a specific scenario.

Now, moving forward, I will be using a lot of these new ideas in implemented a new NN for the main capstone. However, just three hours ago, my power supply for my laptop blew out, which means that priorities have shifted a bit. I am currently staying in my parents house in Portland, and don’t have access to my backups on my desktop. So now it’s a game of trying to get files over to this temporary laptop (my moms) to get something working. Hopefully it will all work out and I’ll be able to get some of my new code out for the code review on Sunday.

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