Week 10 – Unionization

After conducting a bit of research on the pros and cons of unions, I learned that labor unions have an interesting mix of benefits, and drawbacks. The pros of labor unions include: better wages, better benefits, improved working conditions, and improved job security (Livingston, 2023). On the other hand, the cons of labor unions include: union dues, decreased autonomy, increased tension in the workplace, and slower career advancement (Livinston, 2023). 

Having personally been a member of a union, my personal experience was that it was overall a positive element to my employment experience. This was because the union provided a lot of support services that improved the working conditions of the job. It also bargained for increased pay, which we ultimately received. Finally, the union processed a lot of the grievances that came up, which ultimately led to some issue resolution.

This week’s learning materials and the research that I conducted were fairly consistent with each other regarding the pros and cons of labor unions. Some key takeaways from this week’s material include that despite their pros, the number of unions is decreasing (Kristof, 2015). Additionally, there are many rules that govern how unions form, and how they can function (Swift, 2023).

Personally, I think I would join another labor union in the future. This is because I value the benefits of a union over the drawbacks, especially the union dues. If my overall wage/benefits improve significantly enough, then I don’t see why I can’t support the organization that makes that possible. Further, in this capitalistic economy, some companies may be so motivated by the bottom line that there really is a need for organizations such as unions to provide support, and balance.

Works Cited:

Kristof, N. (2015, February 19). The cost of a decline in unions. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/19/opinion/nicholas-kristof-the-cost-of-a-decline-in-unions.html?smid=pl-share&_r=0

Livingston, A. (2023, May 24). Labor unions in the United States – How They Work, pros and cons. Money Crashers. https://www.moneycrashers.com/labor-unions-united-states/

Swift, M. (2023). W10 Lecture 2 – Unionization & Collective Bargaining [PowerPoint slides]. College of Business. Oregon State University.

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