Category: Uncategorized

  • CORS

    Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) describes an online resource requested from another outside domain. This is most often done by web pages making HTTP/AJAX requests to other web servers to retrieve external resources such as images, stylesheets, and scripts. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) While the CORS mechanism is necessary for the modern internet, it can also…

  • Web Socket vs HTTP

    In the previous post about Application Logic, I planned to have the client application periodically (maybe every second) make get request to the server and check on the status of the flock. If all users of the flock finished voting, then the response will include the most-voted restaurant for all users to see. As I…

  • Test Driven Developement

    While creating the backend api for Project Chicken Tinder, I sometimes lose focus on the requirement of the project. There are times I don’t know which piece of code to start first. And there are times I missed steps and have to spend extra time traceback my errors and false assumptions. While this is part…

  • Application Logic

    Although we have a general idea of how Chicken Tinder would work and look, it is difficult to imagine how data work underneath the hood. Therefore, we created the logical flowchart above and layout how the data flow between the host (client), other users(client), backend server, and database. Creating a flock When the host decided…

  • Project Planning

    The next stage of the project Chicken Tinder mostly involves planning with my capstone project teammates Sravya Kaniti and Steven Chen. The following is the logical flow and explanation of Chicken Tinder. Since the scope of this project is not insignificant, I have separated the features into Minimal Viable Product (MVP) and Additional features. Also special thanks to…

  • Ideation – Chicken Tinder

    We all have experienced when it is difficult to pick a restaurant for a meal with our partner, family, or friends. Sometimes we don’t know what’s nearby. And sometimes we are reluctant to voice what we really want. What if there is an easier way to pick out a restaurant that satisfies everyone’s desire? Introducing…