

I was assigned a team and project this week! My team consists of 3 other students and our project is the Job Tracker web app. My team seems really nice and smart. They all are very responsive and I believe we are going to create something great.

Links to Job Tracker Project Info

The goal of this project is for students to track their internship/job hunting efforts. The target users would be CS students who are attempting to land internships and full-time positions upon graduation.

Our initial goal was to decide which communication platform we were going to use. We decided on discord.

The two assignments that we had to complete this week were Team Standards and to Create Project Plan. The standards were pretty straightforward but important when working with a team. It can help mitigate conflict and make sure everyone is on the same page.

For the project plan, I took the initiative and volunteered to create a flow and mock design for our website. I created it using PowerPoint. It was a very time-consuming and tedious process. One of my team members introduced me to Figma but because I had already started using PowerPoint, I did not want to spend too much time learning how to use it (It seems super cool though, so I will take a look at it when I have more time!). I really wanted to get something out to the team as fast as possible so that we can discuss it and get the ball rolling. The faster we have a plan, the faster we get to code (my favorite part of the process).

I had a lot of fun creating the mock-up. I found myself getting lost and spending way too much time trying to get the boxes to line up and changing my mind several times. My wife had to remind me at times to stay focused and stick to what I had originally envisioned. She was right of course. I made notes that can be our stretch goals if we have more time and want to implement more functionality.

We decided as a team to implement this website using Python and Flask. I am excited to get started with coding but first I need to recap and review since I have not used Flask in a few months. My goal next week is to review the documentation and the resources provided in a previous class, CS 340 Introduction to Databases. If time permits, I will create a basic Flask application to solidify my knowledge before working on the Job Tracker project.

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