Resume Screen

I’m taking a quick detour from the more technical nature of the last post to visit a topic that’s undoubtedly in the mind of many individuals during this job hunting system – how a person is supposed to submit a paper form of themselves to organizations to seek employment, i.e. the resume.

For reference, here is what my resume looked like in 2020 — before I started my OSU CS journey. Some fields have been blocked out for privacy.

For my actual job search process in the past year, the resume that has gotten me through a good number (although definitely not all!) screens looks more like this:

Looks a bit like a downgrade huh? However, this was an intentional decision based on what is needed a SWE resume vs. when I wanted to display more of a design and aesthetic focus on my previous resume.

Here are a few other tips to keep in mind for creating an organized and powerful resume:

  • Try to list quantifiable achievements under each job title
  • Power verbs speaking to technical accomplishments
  • Skills section that speaks to level of aptitude in different subjects

Hope these tips are helpful for others as they work on their resumes! All the best, Jane 🙂

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