Oregon State University
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Harnessing Technology for Environmental Health Outreach & Engagement

Environmental Health Community Blog?

August 18th, 2008

I think about new and innovative ways to build community with opportunities for people to share and discuss topics of interest coming out of the Environmental Health Sciences Center.

One way to do that is to build a blog that has many authors/contributors. I have been creating blogs that have me as the single author. For this topic, I think it would be much more interesting to get individuals who can share not just their expertise, but their perspective on the topic. Environmental health is a complex topic. Adding audio and video to the blog will create an educational experience with the opportunity to comment and add your own voice, while asking questions that most likely are valuable to others.

It can get a bit lonesome within the walls of the university. How can we really make a difference to communities? What can we offer them that will provide them a connection into the world of research and how the research relates to their health? We must use a platform that puts them in the driver’s seat helping them make decisions of how their own choices make a difference to their health and the health of others.

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