Category: Uncategorized

  • Grokking C# for Python Programmers, Pt. 2

    This week, let’s discuss some of the particularities of C# when encountering it for the first time as a Python programmer. We’ll generally assume we are in the context a Unity script, whenever that matters. Let’s look at some hypothetical C# code: On first observation, the Python programmer is likely to find the overall appearance…

  • Grokking C# as a Python Programmer, Part 1

    Much of the game development for a Unity-based game happens in C#. There are exceptions to that – shader programs are still written GLSL, for instance, and there’s some crusty Javascript API stuff floating StackOverflow, to be avoided – but by and large the bread and butter of coding a game in Unity is an…

  • Unity3d

    If you’ve never touched game development before but have otherwise programmed in something like Python or Javascript, you might be surprised to hear about what makes game development in Unity similar or different to the environments you have found yourself in the past. What is Unity? “Unity” or “Unity3d”, as you will variously see it…

  • Game Dev at 30 – Pt 2

    Last week, we took a sweeping overview of how computer games and graphics, for all the magic in the worlds they present to us, are really just computer programs running on computing devices just like any other program. Today, we’ll talk about how programmers use abstractions to tame the complexity of managing all the nuts…

  • Game Dev at 30

    From player to maker I just turned 30. As a kid in the 90’s and 00’s, I grew up alongside the most iconic gaming consoles created. Think Gameboy Original, Color, and Advance. SNES, N64, GameCube, and Wii. Playstation One, Two, Three. The list goes on. That just totally dated me for all younger folks in…

  • Diving into Game Development as a Total Beginner

    For my capstone project, I am working in a team of three to create a customizable board game in Unity. This will be my first time doing any kind of game programming. The prospect is a bit nerve-wracking, but also quite thrilling. Here’s an overview of how I plan to get started. Background A few…

  • Computer science… the long way round

    My name is Richie, a computer science student at Oregon State University and a soon-to-be graduate student. Each week I will share my thoughts on computer science, technology, and society in this space. Let me tell you a bit about how I got here. Despite what one may think, not everyone who works in tech…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!