Finding & Executing Edits

The most frustrating thing about this whole project is not getting the instant gratification of knowing that you have completed the assignment. I spend way to much time rechecking myself because I am not sure if it is completed. Although my system is old it is still good at processing the information it just takes time. I am still unfamiliar with the nuances of this program.

Finding the news feed was relatively easy but not understanding the programing thread of RSS wasn’t. When I got to that phase I just knew that I must have done something wrong and repeated the actions.

Finding where to put it on the widget page was also difficult because I kept trying to put it on the actual page not realizing that I had to go back to the beginning. I will catch on soon.

It is so nice to have wifi at home, now I need to have the temperatures drop from the 85-100+ range because I do not have air conditioning. It is a whole different Environment here. I no longer have the support systems that OSU had to offer.

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tour travel

Learning how to do a blog is fascinating stuff. The function of how to move about in a program then to put it up on the web. It is still an enigma to me. Trying to move things around and finding things is most frustrating as my brain no longer works well in literal and analytical thoughts. I have to be very thankful to auto correct and grammar programs.

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