Capstone Planning

My capstone team has spent the last 2 weeks has been comprised of getting to know each other and our respective backgrounds, setting up a guidelines regarding communication with one another, and lastly, taking the first steps toward beginning to realize our project by setting up repositories and workspaces.

When working on a project such as this, it is easy to get sucked into coding as that is where the fun is. However, building a larger scale web application such as the one our team has selected requires more organization and coordination, especially when working in a team. Our plan of attack is as follows.

One teammate is owning the backend side of our application and will be utilizing the following technologies:

  • Spring Boot – Java-based application development framework
  • Hibernate – Object Relational Mapping tool for Java
  • PostgreSQL – Relational database management system
  • Swagger UI – REST API documentation tool
  • AWS Cognito – Identity and access management service
  • Amazon S3 – Cloud object storage
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk – Application deployment orchestration service

Myself and another teammate will be completing the frontend side of our application with React, a frontend JavaScript library.

In addition, we have decided to utilize the following technologies for project management and communications.

  • GitHub – Distributed version control (Separate repos for backend and frontend)
  • Jira – Issue and project tracking system
  • Discord – Social media platform for hosting asynchronous messaging as well as scheduled synchronous meetings

We have divvied up all necessary tasks for the first week and have created task/user stories in Jira to track our progress.

Now that the groundwork has been laid, my teammates and I are excited to begin coding the initial, broadly used components of our web application and see the first elements begin to come to life. Time to get to work!

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