
I am in my final semester at OSU (hopefully) – currently taking CS467 and CS325. The first half of the semester seems to have flown by. I am very happy with the CS467 course so far. The CS325 course on the other hand is by far very abstract. I wish it were a two course series because it takes a long time to digest some of the material. I would prefer to be taking it by itself. I hope that I am not doing myself a disservice by trying to get both done at the same time, however I really do want to graduate after next month.

For the demonstration assignment in CS467 I found myself enjoying talking about the work done so far on our Job Tracker project. Ironically, the assignment called for a maximum of 4 minutes which made me nervous as I wanted to try to fit in the entirety of what I contributed to the project in 4 minutes – not possible. However, after listening to the recording, I was actually happy with the presentation regardless of the extended length. It felt complete. Hope you enjoy it…

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