IPIP Results & Reactions

Results summary:

Starting with the extraversion category, I scored very high on most of my numbers above 90. I find I thrive in social settings, I’m very friendly and assertive with high levels of activity. I like to always be doing something and am rarely by myself. For agreeableness, I was middle of the pack for three categories but scored low in sympathy. This score was a lot lower than I expected I believe I scored super low on this because of political views. I believe I can sympathize pretty well with others. Moreover, I scored very high in trust, I want to trust people and will trust you until you give me a reason not to. For conscientiousness I scored very high, I find myself getting tasks done to the best of my ability well before they are done. I’m very self-efficient and self-disciplined. For Neuroticism I scored very low in all the categories except I got a 75 on my anger. I’m a very happy-go-lucky person and care very little about what people think of me but I find myself sometimes short-tempered which is true. For openness, I scored very low in all the categories except I was middle of the pack in intellect. The test scored me low on being imaginative and giving off a lot of emotion.

After taking this test, I found that I’m either very high on a category or extremely low on a category, there wasn’t a lot of in-between. There are two specific jobs I can think of that I would excel in with my strengths and my weaknesses wouldn’t be as relevant. These two jobs are a salesman and a data analyst. The reason why I think sales would be a great fit for me is that according to my test results and my own opinion I strive in extraversion and have very high activity levels. I find my greatest success is when I’m doing business with other people I’m a very effective communicator and am a very convincing person. I could avoid a lot of team interactions and my success is mainly based on my drive and hard work. I have a lot of past experience with customer service in my previous part-time jobs that would relay over well. Another job that would highlight my strengths and minimize my weaknesses is data analysis. For starters, this would be a good fit because business analytics is my major and I have experience with it. According to my test results, I’m very driven, hardworking, and avoid procrastination. These strengths would fit great with this job because most of my work would be individual and I only need to rely on myself instead of a team of others. This doesn’t mean I can’t work in teams my strengths just excel when my success is up to me and I can kind of work alone.






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