Catalina Basin field work

Paths of two AUVs and HARP locations in red, QUEphone in yellow and Seaglider in green.
Six to eight Drifting Acoustic Spar Buoy Recorder (DASBR) were deployed to locate BW click sounds. Drift paths are not included.

QUEphone WISPR data
(Cuvier, 38 sec long, wav format)


Seaglider WISPR data
(Cuvier, 46 sec long)

Beaked whale clicks recorded by HARP. 200k kHz sampling rate.



High-frequency Acoustic Recoring Package (HARP data)
Cuvier, 37 sec long, 29 MB


DASBR 2-channel time series and spectrograms. Sample rate = 256 kHz


DASBR data
Cuvier, 20 sec long, 41 MB

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