When reading this article about how to clean code (https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/clean-coding-for-beginners/) and (https://medium.com/codex/clean-code-comments-833e11a706dc) I felt like there were few things I wasn’t really doing to make it as clean coding.
One important things I want to start doing like right away would be that comments, they are important but I always forget about it when writing my code..and I look back at the code after few months or year I would be like whats this number for? What does it mean? Can I change it?
Would be in this article https://medium.com/codex/clean-code-comments-833e11a706dc)
But one thing I believe that I should really stop doing would be just naming the variables randomly or too short. For example I would just name buffer as var buff1, buff2 and continue. Without the comments I would probably get lost easily when I look back at the code.
When I was reading the article I actually went back to my old codes and thought that I have no clue of few codes which didn’t have comments and the name of variable was like buff1 num1. From now on I really need to start working on it myself.