Blog #1

Hello CS 461! My name is Chase Parker and I’m a 23 Computer Science student from Southern California. I live in the Orange County area and the time zone is Pacific Standard Time. I have a younger brother and sister. I also have two dogs, Labradors named Cali and Kona. I enjoy snowboarding, playing guitar, running, video gaming, and going to concerts in my free time. My favorite shows right now are House Of The Dragon and Rick & Morty. I started learning about computers from a young age and have always pursued mastery of these machines. I got into programming when I started attending university in 2017. I attended San Diego State University from 2017 to 2020, but transferred to Oregon State in 2020. I will be graduating in June of 2023. I currently work full time as a web designer at a digital marketing company. I started as an intern in June of 2022 and went full time in September. My favorite languages are JavaScript and Java. My favorite library that utilizes JavaScript is Three, which is used for 3-D modeling in browser. My favorite listed project is the Engineering Simulations project because I am excited to start working on it!

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