Learning the Tools

These first few weeks have been a doozie! We’ve officially chosen to try and make a version of the game Asteroids in VR using Unity. None of us in the group have ever made a game, used Unity, and my teammates had never used VR before, so it’s been a real dive into the deep end sort of project.

So far, the vast majority of our time has been spent working through Unity’s various tutorial pathways. They have 5 pathways, 3 of which are important for our project, but they’re all rather intensive and we frankly don’t have the time to get through all of them AND work on our project.

While working through the VR Development pathway this week, I’ve followed along with the various things they’ve been teaching me, and I try to work on things that might be useful for our project instead of just following along with the exact thing they are doing in the lessons. So far this has mostly just been creating objects in a VR scene and getting them to interact with each other in basic ways, such as making certain surfaces walkable and allowing the player to grab and move certain things. So far, I have not done any scripting that allows non-player objects to move on their own, but I’ve seen that my partners have been able to start on that.

I haven’t yet used AI when working on this project but believe that once I start getting into scripting it will be a great tool to help me figure out some templates for what I want to work with, especially since I’ve never worked with C# before.

All in all, it’s been a little frustrating to not be able to really dive into the project yet since I still have so many things to learn in Unity, but I am really looking forward to things coming together, and the things I have learned via the tutorials so far have been pretty fun and rewarding, especially when I am able to test features I put together through my own headset. Looking forward to working on this further!






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