About Me & My Blog

Hi there, welcome to my blog! 👋

This is first post so I would like to introduce a little bit about myself. My name is Pamela and I’m a former chemist in transition to become future software engineer. Currently a part-time computer science student working towards post-baccalaureate bachelor’s degree (aka second bachelor’s) at Oregon State University. I’m pretty close to the finish line and hopefully this program can help guide me to a career in tech that I can enjoy and grow in.

Speaking of career, I’m still in exploration phase and have not firmly decided what path I want to take. It is also why I took my time with the program to experience as many topics within computer science as possible. Hence I have diverse internship experiences too. My intern experiences include visual QA and creating tools at an AR/VR startup, big data and machine learning at corporate fintech, and building testing framework for healthcare solution at major tech company. I try to have an open mind and continue to explore both in school courses and outside so that I can give myself many doors to open.

The main purpose of this blog will be to document my journey throughout the CS 467 course – Online Capstone Project. In my future blog posts, I will be mainly focusing on the parts I have struggled, tips and tricks, and things I have learned as I work on a project with two teammates. It will help me organize my thoughts and hopefully benefit you as well. My blog posts will have two main topics: technical and management. Technical part will talk about project and code/language specific details and project management will be about communication between team members as well as project planning/logistics. 

This is my first time blogging, so it may be a little rough. But I hope you and I can both learn something new throughout this journey. Thank you for reading my poorly written first blog post, in return here are pictures of my two cute fur babies.

Mango (Top) & Jingo (Bottom)

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