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OSU Open Campus: making the connection

OSU Open CampusA new program at Oregon State expands access to the university’s resources to better serve all Oregonians.

The concept for OSU Open Campus was initiated by a question from a community partner: How can we access more of the university to address the educational needs of our area?

Today, through a statewide network of OSU Open Campus education coordinators, Oregon State is working side-by-side with partners, including Oregon’s community colleges, regional economic development groups, the K-12 education systems, business community and local government to bring education to underserved and place-bound Oregonians.

Open Campus builds on the foundation of the OSU Extension Service and complements offerings available through Ecampus and Professional and Continuing Education, making learning from Oregon State possible almost anywhere.

“It’s part of this university’s DNA to find ways to reach and change people’s lives. We expect to see this program extended to many, many more communities throughout the state of Oregon.”

— President Ed Ray


Photo: Maydra Valencia, Open Campus Juntos coordinator (left) and Emily Henry (right), OSU Open Campus education coordinator in Tillamook County, visit with Benny the Beaver during to the county fair this summer

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