Last week —
- Hannah Gascho Rempel was elected Vice President/President-elect of the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Science & Technology section. Congratulations Hannah!
- Natalia Fernández has been appointed Interim Director of the Special Collections and Archives Research Center. She will officially step into this role on July 1, 2020, Larry Landis, current SCARC Director, is retiring. His last day is June 30, 2020. Congratulations Larry and Natalia!
- Tired of hitting paywalls? Remember, you can use your ONID credentials to access OSULP digital subscriptions from anywhere. Search the e-journals list for frequently-linked publications like The Chronicle of Higher Education, log in, and read as many articles as you want every month.
- Looking for images? The Library of Congress has identified dozens of collections of images that are free to use and re-use.
This week —
- Find and create low- or no-cost learning materials. Our colleagues in the OSUÂ Open Educational Resources Unit are hosting a series of virtual workshops this month. Topics include using affordable learning materials to save students money (June 15); the Creative Commons licensing process (June 16); and open textbooks (June 17). Interested in learning more? Talk to OSU librarian Zach Welhouse about how the library can help you help students.
- Corvallis Benton County Public Library is hosting a virtual Craft and Chat for adults Tuesdays, 6-7pm.
- Graduating students – you can return equipment borrowed from OSULP or Student Multimedia Services in the lobby of the Valley Library until June 17th. Drop equipment off between 11:30am – 1:30pm. If you cannot do this, contact us for help.
Random —
Commencement Caps (1979). Part of the Historical Images of Oregon State University collection, curated by the OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center, and available on Oregon Digital.