Interaction, Why is it Important?

As children in elementary school, we were learning more about the world than in any other time in our scholastic years. We would learn by playing tag on the playgrounds, making art with our hands, and learning math with shapes. My point is, most of our learning at this stage in life was done through interactive activities. It is no secret that elementary kids learn best when interaction is involved. It is very easy for them to become distracted during that age, so a good way to keep them focused is by making them interact and engage with the material. I argue that learning should not be so different at a university, or even in high school.Image result for elementary student, learning, playing

As a college student, I see my peers constantly getting distracted with their phones and laptops (which most students bring to lectures), like how a child would become distracted if they saw a squirrel outside the window of their classroom. That is why I believe that interaction is imperative in getting students to engage with the material and actually learn it. Learning is a process that is usually better accomplished when you can interact with the thing you are learning so you can effectively “experience” it.

Online courses are now taking away the interactive side of learning, giving students a poor education, and they don’t have to! There are plenty of ways out there to add interaction to online courses! In my previous post, I talked about some of those ways and the pros and cons of each. Online teachers, it is your duty to revive the interactive side of learning and improve education for your students! Students, it is your duty to stand up for your learning and push for a better education.

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37 thoughts on “Interaction, Why is it Important?

  1. Classroom interaction tells how the students have interaction among them and with their teachers. With proper classroom interaction, the students become more active in their learning process. The result of the study concludes that classroom interaction has an important role in both teaching and learning process.

  2. As we know Interaction is the most important part of Education life because if we don’t interest any work, we don’t complete that work properly. That means, Interaction pretty important.
    Thank you so much to spread this informative information among us.

  3. Having the passion and drive to be a teacher, constantly requires to give the best version of you to your students. Just as the phrase goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day” teaching is a skill that has to be worked on, improved on and continuously subject to practice in order to be the best at it. Experience is definitely a factor that contributes to your skills but, there are many other ways to make your classroom more efficient and productive. Here are few methods on how you can improvise in the art of teaching
    If you want more information you can click below link
    teaching classroom

  4. In the classroom setting, this interaction occurs naturally, as students listen to each other’s comments, ask each other questions, and form relationships through frequent communication. Instructors can also encourage student-to-student interaction in an online setting, but it can also create formal and informal interaction opportunities in the design of your course. Designing for high levels of student-to-student interaction is so important that accredited agencies such as the Middle State Commission on University Higher Education need evidence in online courses and program design.

  5. Interaction is gone nowadays, due to technology and smartphones. People aren t even looking up to the sky anymore. All day long they are stucked in the imaginary world of social networks.

  6. Hey Olsenkar, I agree with your thoughts that interaction between teacher and student leads to a positive outcome. If both of them are engaged in a topic then there is very little chance of distraction. By doing so the knowledge imparted is gained properly.

  7. I agree that interacting and engaging yourself with something you do gives you better knowledge and ideas about that product or thing. The same is the scenario with education, as we all understand the importance of involvement. But nowadays due to online education facilities, the students get distracted and involvement level is reduced. Thank you Olsencar for raising this concern, so that schools look after this issue and upgrade the quality of education.

  8. I believe that what you talked about Interaction is important. Congratulations on the site, good information and well written text! This is the best article about Interaction ever ❤️ Please visit my website.

  9. Thanks for the information you provided in your blog. Online education is here to stay
    and so are online jobs. The COVID situation has given futher boost to the online learning and work from home.


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