Summer Workshops for Teachers

Attention Educators: Are you looking for STEM-related workshops to attend this summer?  Check out the Oregon Coast STEM Hub website to see what’s happening!

Summer is a time to catch up with family, spend time outdoors, and recuperate from a busy academic year.  But for teachers, summer is also a time to hone skills and discover new techniques in preparation for the start of the coming school year.  The Oregon Coast STEM Hub website lists a variety of upcoming STEM-related PD opportunities on its Professional Development page:

Upcoming opportunities are also listed on the Oregon Coast STEM Hub calendar, which can be accessed directly here: or from the bottom of the Oregon Coast STEM Hub homepage.

OCEP workshop teacherUpcoming PD events in August include coastal field experiences such as a Shoreline Science workshop in Nehalem (Aug 1-3) and an Oregon Coast Education Program workshop in Charleston (Aug 13-15).  In addition, there are opportunities in nearby regions, such as the StreamWebs Watershed Stewardship training on Aug 13 in Corvallis, or the Scientists and Teachers in Education Partnerships offerings on three separate topics in August on the OSU main campus.

STEM Professional Development workshop announcements are only one of many resources available on the Oregon Coast STEM Hub website.  You can help keep this resource useful by visiting the website often, putting its link on your organization’s webpages, and submitting content that can be shared with the rest of the Hub.