Climate and Weather Resources

  • Historical climate data for Oregon
    Access historical climate data from land-based weather stations in Oregon via the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Environmental Information.
  • The Climate Toolbox
    The Climate Toolbox is collection of web tools for visualizing past and projected climate and hydrology of the contiguous United States. The Climate Toolbox is supported in part by one of our partners, the Climate Impacts Research Consortium.
    The PRISM Climate Group provides maps and summaries of recent and past observed climate across the United States.
  • Recent climate across the western United States
    The Western Regional Climate Center, a partner of the Oregon Climate Service, is a great source of data on climate in the western United States.
  • Daily climate data for Corvallis, Oregon
    Access daily data from the Hyslop Weather Station in Corvallis, Oregon, which is maintained by Oregon State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences. Observations are updated each weekday except on University holidays.
  • Washington State Climate Office
    The Office of the Washington State Climatologist, our sister state climate office to the north, is a good source of regional weather and climate information.