This spring, Rebecca Brooksher, a 28 year old mom of two, was the first graduate of a new agricultural sciences degree completion program, offered in Klamath Falls through Oregon State University and Klamath Community College.

Through this program, students in Klamath and Lake counties who are interested in pursuing a degree in agricultural sciences can now travel a straight path from high school to an Oregon State degree, all without leaving the Klamath Basin.

A unique component is the students’ access to coaching from an OSU Open Campus coordinator throughout the program.

“As Rebecca’s mentor and coach here in Klamath Falls, I am so proud of all the work that she has accomplished for herself, her family and her community,” says Keely Moxley, OOC Education Coordinator in Klamath Falls. “Her goal is to obtain her Masters of Science in Agriculture Education so that she can share her passion for agriculture as a high school agriculture teacher.”

There are currently plans underway to explore how this model might be replicated in partnership with other community colleges around the state.

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