What makes online learning so hard? Many people think that it is easier than going to school on-campus, but it’s actually harder to go to school online because of the self-discipline,  self-motivation, and things generally that rely on independence. Yeah, independence can seem more freeing and easy but it requires a lot of self-reflection to know what works for you and your individual situation, which is exactly what online learning is, adjusting oneself to their own learning on their own time.


I personally have done lots of self-reflecting in just the first two weeks of being a full-time online student. I have learned that I require more self-motivation and self-discipline. In a way I came to becoming an online student thinking that I was a perfect fit, but I really am not and need work to succeed. I am good at organizing things, but that doesn’t mean I actually get them done. I have begun planning things out so that I have the flexibility to move things around. It is so much easier to procrastinate in an online setting than it is to go to class every day and have homework due every day.


Many people who are online students have much busier lives than I do, they have full-time jobs, or are a full-time parent. This is why they almost have to take school online; I don’t because I chose this way of schooling. Yes, I had my own reasons for it, but I really didn’t have to. I am still a full-time student, with a part time job but I have come to realize that having a significant other really effects my online learning. In a way, having a significant other in my life can be both positive and negative.


The best advice I heard once was that being in a relationship while being a student is like adding another 3 credit course load to my life. I recently realized how true that is. My significant other can make me motivated to complete my work, but also can be a big distraction in actually succeeding. A perfect example would be this week, I am currently looking forward to a visit from said significant other so I am determined to get things done before he gets here so that we can spend time together without me having to set time aside to do my homework. But on the other hand I am really distracted because I am excited to have him over and we are planning our time together and I am preoccupied with our daily conversations about our future adventures that we are planning. I feel like I am conflicted about having a relationship but I am also very glad to have someone to help me when things get rough, I have a strong support system that will be there to remind me to do my studies but also able to plan adventures together because of the flexibility of online learning.