My strengths for my success in an online learning environment has to be my tenacious. The reminders in this class have brought back memories of many tips that become useful in online environments. Being organized, not procrastinating and working off of your strengths just to name a few is what helps me get my work done. There are so many specific tools that can help with an online environment but the one I think I’m going to choose for right now would be ask a librarian. I guess this is because I don’t feel alone in trying to accomplish a goal. Of course I have to have the specifics down in mind that is very nice that they have suggestions for you and can point you in the right direction so that you can pinpoint what is needed for you to get your assignments accomplished. The resources that I need to take into account is trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I need to talk to counselors and take some aptitude test to see what I would work best at in seeking a job. I also have to learn a new way of studying. I am one of those this still wants to print everything out and annotate in the margins. I want desperately just to download these files and save them to the computer or my notebook to read in a leisurely manner. Not being forced to stay at the desk for long readings. I don’t have a clear mind in the upcoming term because I am wanting to change direction to more suit my strong skills. The main goal that I do have is to learn Spanish and get a BA degree.

This my very fist Blog! I never really have that much to say and rather being doing things outside, so why be looking at a computer screen? But this is a necessary evil. First I have to say to my classmates is that I really love this online school work. Here we are trying to make school as easy on us as possible and learn how to make classes as well as online classes more meaningful and work for us. I really like the points that the young kids had on our video of their goals in school. Mine was much more narrow then what they had, but as I thought about thinks I was like them. I want to be successful and have a degree and my choices in careers has change a few times in the time that I have been here. This is the course that I am needing right now, since I have been in school I have not known myself as being a slacker or a procrastinator, but for some reason these semester I am doing just that, slacking. So, it is time get on the thinking cap and see what it is that is making me have this lull. I hope that you do not have this, but I think we all get in some of our moods. Hopefully this class will get my goals back on track.