This term has flew by!  It just seemed like yesterday I was trying to figure out what a google doc was (my wife is so patient with me) and now I am doing one of my final posts of the course.  As a new online learner, these past 9 weeks have shown me that I need to take the initiative and do the assignments as soon as they are available.  Next thing I know it is Friday night and I am trying to make weekend plans, but low and behold there is a discussion board staring me right in the face.  They say the early bird gets the worm, and my worm is a school-free, relaxing weekend enjoying life.  I am also not a great procrastinator, so I have to allot myself extra time to get over any speedbumps.  To all the successful procrastinators out there, I SALUTE YOU!  I have come to realize that my reading comprehension may need some work.  I have to figure out how to be a more proficient reader before I get into my core classes for Earth and Environmental Sciences.  From this class, I have realized the importance of goal setting and To-Do lists.  I utilize both in my professional life and it was a nice realization that the two just mapped right over to online learning.  I have to tell myself that if I write down a task and don’t complete it, that maybe I should break down that task into subtasks.  Progress is progress no matter how big or small!  My strategy of staying ahead of schedule has worked thus far for me, so I will try to continue down that path for as long as I can.  Having a 7:00am to 3:00pm work schedule, two dogs and no TV really makes me able to stay on top of school assignments.  Again to all the students out there who work multiple jobs, have children and work on school well into my bedtime, I SALUTE YOU!  I envy students who get to live on or be in such close proximity to the main Corvallis Campus.  I really missed out on “college life” when attending a traditional school way back when.  I heard it was just like Animal House!  No, but really, I would love to get involved with the KBVR-FM student radio and the Memorial Union Program Council.  Beaver Radio is pretty sweet to listen to as you are studying away (and I think you can make requests).  The Program Council puts on what seems like some pretty cool events on campus.  I think my long term goal is similar to most people:  GRADUATE!  As of now, I am only planning on taking no more than 6 credit hours each term, so my graduation date may be later than most everyone else!  I enjoyed the required reading from the textbook and the Ted Talk video this week.  It was a nice motivation heading into the last few weeks of school.  The speaker had some poignant words that I will keep in my brain bank:  “Choose Now, Choose Well.”  “Living an incredible life is no accident.  You have to do it on purpose.”  With this new chapter in most of our lives, dedicated to online learning, we must all remember that as long as we set clear objectives and goals and maintain positivity, we will all come out successful.  The textbook stated that “We must enjoy the journey of education.”  We have a similar saying in the Gaither household.  On a trip to San Francisco, my in-laws encountered a gentleman by the Golden Gate Bridge that gave them a piece of advice that we have now adopted and continue to pass when out in the world, “Wherever you go. Whatever you do.  Enjoy the journey.”



6 thoughts on “The Learning Journey

  1. Hello I just wanted to comment first off on how much I agree that this semester has flew by. I always think the semesters drag on and on, but this semester feels like we started 2 weeks ago. I think its awesome that you can leave yourself some extra time in the week and you don’t have a huge problem with procrastination. I still struggle with this awful habit, but this semester has really made me want to try and change it. I realize more and more every day that procrastination as a college student will only make your grades, time and sleep suffer. I hope all goes well for you the last week or so of this term.

    -Joey Cramer

  2. Now I’m going to have to go watch Animal House again – just as soon as I wrap up all my homework and studying – okay, next weekend!! Good luck to you!

  3. Justin,

    I’m so impressed by your blog “voice” and humor! It’s so wonderful that it seems like you’ve implemented a strategy that really works for you! I have no doubt that you’ll continue to find great success here at OSU (and beyond!).


  4. Hi! My worm is also getting everything done so I have some time to spend with my kids. They do not have school on Fridays, and I work all weekend, so this means trying to get everything done by Friday. Being a natural procrastinator, this really takes talent! I really enjoyed all the words of wisdom you included in your post , especially what the person on the Golden Gate Bridge said. It kind of reminds me of what I tell my kids: find your passion and go for it! Good luck to you, and by the way, I’m still fumbling with Google docs, so you’re not alone!

  5. I just read my comment, and realized it sounded like a worm is doing my work! I guess I should have proofread before submitting!

  6. Justin:
    Nice post! It sounds like you’re on top of things and have the motivating factor of having fun weekends. Good for you. Good luck!


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