
pH and Plants is an interactive learning module about the importance of pH in agriculture. It seeks to explain the consequences of a pH imbalance, as well as a few common techniques to manipulate pH balance effectively.

The module is laid out in a non-linear fashion, and allows the user to explore at their own pace and order.  Adobe Illustrator was used to create the graphics and Adobe Audition to edit the audio, while Adobe Edge Animate was used to animate and code the module for the web.

The module is bi-lingual, English/Chinese. The flags at the bottom of the screen will switch both the on-screen text and the accompanying audio.


This module seeks to explain the process of seed germination.  With the assistance of animated and interactive elements, it breaks up the monotony of a linear presentation, while explaining a complex process with a light and entertaining look.

This module is also bi-lingual.  At any point, a user can click the Chinese flag icon to switch both the text and the voice-over into Chinese.