Midpoint has come and gone. My team did excellent everyone put in their effort and I think we are in a good spot for the last stretch. Mother’s day happened and I went to see the musical Hamilton with my mother. It was fantastic!! I highly recommend going to see it live if you enjoy musicals. I watched the recorded version on Disney when it came out and wasn’t very impressed. However, seeing the live showing it was well worth the trip. We also went to a place called the melting pot another destination I highly recommend. You basically cook all your food in a pot of fondu, which is delicious.
Sitting in a cubicle daily gets me thinking about a mans purpose. I don’t think we were intended to sit in a cubicle and stare at a screen for 12 hours a day. So then what were we designed for? We were meant for a pursuit and or goal and all the struggle that comes with it. If you live in comfort then you will lose purpose in like. The struggle is what we are designed for. Find a goal worth pursuing no matter what it is, it could be anything, and pursue it like there is nothing else. That is what I intend to do. A cubicle for 30 years sounds like a very unfulfilling life. I want to burn in the fires and rise as the Phoenix.