
The Beginning

Brief introductions:

This site is dedicated to my CS461 capstone project.

My name is Nathan Huffman I am a senior CS student at Oregon State University. In the best case scenario I will graduate sometime in 2025.

The project a group of 4 of use are considering is here . Proposed project mates are Van To, Deo Sung and Allison Karlis.

I came to OSU after about 16 years working in industry as a platform to “level up” my career. I have been mainly focused on hardware and I thought how great would it be if I understood the software workings of things as well. Anything that bridges hardware and software I find fascinating. I am taking a few mechatronics classes that I am very excited about.

I know nothing about what this project aims to achieve but I do have quite a bit of SEM knowledge. I have spent the last 21 years in the semiconductor industry. I have held a number of roles, technician, Engineer, Manager just to name a few. Recently I left my long career at a major fortune 500 company to work for a small semiconductor tooling startup. Most of my knowledge is around plasma, leading edge semiconductor construction, and semiconductor etch chamber construction.

I have been married for 19 years and have three children 15, 13, 10 years of age. My hope is that someday they might come across this blog, written by an old guy, and it offers them inspiration to keep learning and peruse their dreams no matter the stage in life.

Some interesting things and hobbies about me: Lets see, I love everything that has wheels and hacking on cars, both mechanically and on the software side. I enjoy being outside doing things with my family, hiking, fishing, boating. Nature tends to give a lot of inspiration. We have a cat, dog, 2 rabbits, 2 frogs, and a hamster!

Hopefully this will be as informative as it is entertaining. At this point success in uncertain and the the task at hand seems very difficult. I am hopeful our group will do something wonderful with our project!


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