Executive Pay, excessive or appropriate?

Executive Pay can be seen in a different light by many people depending on their personal values and views. I personally find executive pay to be appropriate. As executives climb the corporate ladder, they take on numerous responsibilities that other employees do not. I think all employees should be compensated based on the weight of the responsibilities they carry. High executives, such as CEOs, carry large amounts of stress on their shoulders and intense amounts of work to be done by deadlines in order to see their companies survive and thrive. The PBS segment on “Executive Pay” revealed examples of large pay gaps that I disagreed with. Based on the pay structures we did in teams, I also think that although executives deserve higher pay due to higher responsibility, the pay gap should not be so large that other employees with great responsibilities as well are paid as less than. Overall, despite the differences in pay I think there should be fairness as well.

The rise in executive compensation is due to many factors. One factor being market competitiveness. Companies know that without a qualified and driven CEO, they will struggle to meet their competitors. By paying executives more than their competitors, they will be able to hire and retain said CEOs. However, this makes other competitors increase their pay and it becomes a cycle. Now, executive pay has skyrocketed heavily which has widened pay gaps everywhere. Another reason is due to executive positions being seen as the most important, ultimately undermining other employees and the important work they do. I think changes should be implemented to these factors.

Firstly, I think that the pay gap should be lessened, whether other employees receive a pay raise or high executives take a pay cut to make this adjustment. Found in our lectures, we learn that compensation is related to motivation. If other employees learn that they are making such a significant difference in pay to executives, they may become less motivated. Employees want to feel valued and want that to be reflected in their compensation. Rather than having overall pay increases because of title, the increases should come due to responsibilities and performance. By doing so, employees will feel happier with company morale, have an increase in motivation, and will be more willing to take on responsibility if they are happy and content with their position and pay.

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