Initial thoughts on first few weeks

Before this final class even began, I was thinking about what project I was going to get to work on, who were my group mates going to be and how much work was this final class truly going to be. Those thoughts still haven’t left my mind going into week three. Once the class started and we signed up for projects that looked interesting to us, I was excited to see what project I was assigned to, who was going to be in the group with me and how we would get along. I have to say that my group members have been really good, with as busy as everyone is, they still make the needed time to contribute.

The first big tasks assigned out were putting together a team standards document and creating a project plan. I would say the team standards document was pretty straight forward and didn’t take more than a handful of hours to put together. However, the project plan document was quite a bit more time consuming to get created, roughly get all the work broken out and assign each team member a set of tasks for each sprint. I can’t speak for the amount of time each of my group members put into this document, but I would say I spent a good 10-15 hours working on it. Overall I think the project plan came together nicely and was worth the amount of effort it took to put together.

Moving into the coming weeks, I’m really looking forward to getting my development environment setup, setting up the database and then designing and creating the various database tables we will need for this project. The development work is what I am really looking forward to most as this term moves forward. I know that the other tasks and assignments that we will need to complete provide some value in the grand scheme of things, but continuing to grow my development skills in what I will most take away from this course.

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