Project Report

I ran into two difficulties with this project, the first was the problem of allocating time. Because I made a mistake this semester and chose a language that I didn’t study. I spend too much time on this, and with other courses, I have very little time each week. But fortunately, I made reasonable arrangements and solved it. The second difficulty is the problem of the database. I think this is the problem that affects the progress of our project the most, and it is also the biggest difficulty that our project faces this semester. Because for two weeks, we did nothing, trying to solve the problem of the database. But luckily, we worked it out.
There are two reasons why I chose my project. The first reason is because I am a wine lover, which is why this project attracts me. The second reason is that js is a language I am good at and familiar with. This project will Prefer using js. So far, the project has met my expectations and most of the features work well.
For our wine data lake project, I think most of the winery owners and winemakers or wine lovers will use our website. They can download the wine technical sheets they need on this website. It is also possible to upload their technical sheets for others to use to increase the visibility of their winery.

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