ReactJS, CSS-in-JS, Webpack, JSX, Ajax, and JavaScript are some of the technologies I use in my project, my project is Wine data lake, which is a website that stores wine technical sheets, users can find them here Want wine technical sheets and save them, wineries can also upload their technical sheets on this website. Of the technologies I use above, ReactJS is my favorite because it provides an efficient and fast way to build user interfaces using virtual DOM. On the other hand, CSS-in-JS is my least favorite technique because it makes the code harder to maintain and debug. Learning ReactJS and JSX was a bit of a challenge at first, but now I appreciate it because it made my development process so much easier. In contrast, Ajax is the easiest technology to learn because it provides a simple and efficient way to make asynchronous requests to the server. Of all the technologies I’ve worked with, ReactJS has the hardest learning curve, but its sheer power makes it worth the effort. If I could start over, I would still choose ReactJS as my main technology, as it has proven to be an efficient and effective solution for building dynamic user interfaces. In conclusion, the technology we choose for our project plays a vital role in our development process. Choosing the right technology for each project is important to ensuring success. While some technologies may be more challenging to learn, their powerful features and benefits are worth the effort.