
Hi everyone! I originally became interested in programming during my first undergraduate degree. At the time, I was majoring in Biochemistry, but would later graduate with a B.S. in Human Physiology and a minor in Chemistry. I took a course called “Intro to Programming and Problem Solving”, which was taught in Python, and I quickly realized how much you could do with just a few lines of code. A few years later, after graduating and getting my first real job as a lab tech, I found myself wishing I could go back in time and pursue a career in software engineering instead. After some research, I found the post-bacc CS program at OSU, and I decided it wasn’t too late for me!

I’m still not sure what my future career looks like. I’m mainly interested in full-stack or backend development roles, although there are certainly other areas I’m open to as well. My favorite technologies I’ve learned so far include Python (the best), Node.js, Express, React, and MySQL/MongoDB.

Out of the listed capstone projects, I find the web apps to be the most interesting to me. This is what I already know how to do (to a degree), and what I see myself doing professionally after the term.

Aside from work/school, I really enjoy playing pickup basketball, hiking, going to the beach, reading, or learning something new on the guitar. If anyone has any book or hiking recommendations in Oregon, let me know! Hope everyone has a great term!






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