Nick Francisco Capstone

Blog Post 3

Our project, Dating App for Animal Adoption, is going very well. We have completed our final design document and already have several features implemented for our react website. The features we have implemented so far are responsive and reusable header and footer, creating an account, logging into an account, logging out of an account, a pet page that queries our database for all pets, and a search feature that filters all pets. These features provide a solid foundation for our react website as we move into our next quarter.

I am enjoying the challenges that this class is bringing from working as a group to implementing a full stack web application. I have created simple web apps for previous classes, but this project is nice because it is a combination of several classes I have taken at Oregon State University. I plan to update my resume over winter break and start applying for software developer jobs at the end of next quarter. Some new technologies that I am using for this class are Firebase and Cloudflare. These technologies are critical for several aspects of our project and make implementing several of our features much easier. To alleviate and reduce stress you should make sure you communicate and seek help when needed. Good communication helps when working with a team, and getting help when you need can help when you are stuck on a problem.






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