
2024 Capstone: Hello world!

Hello everyone, My name is Nicholas Morris, and I am about to start my final class at Oregon State University: CS 467 Online Capstone.  This program has been a long journey and I am excited to open a new chapter in my life.  I am currently a software engineering intern at a government nuclear facility and am using my skills developed through this program to create features and fix defects for deployed software at the site.

Throughout my life, I always viewed computers as a side hobby.  I kept this hobby while I went through nursing school.  I graduated and became a nurse in 2020 and I still practice to this day as a neurological ICU nightshift nurse.  Shortly after graduation, my desire to get a computer science degree started to grow, and I bit the bullet.  I started prerequisite classes about 6 months after graduating nursing school, and here I am now!

I am very excited to start working with my team on a portfolio project.  I have already learned a lot at my internship, and I know I will learn a lot in this class.  I’m very open to all technologies and will learn whatever stack is needed for my project.  I am currently thinking about creating a web application using Django for Python and some frontend.

I know we are all going to have a great summer.  I can’t wait to see what we all create!

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