Web Design

This past week of the project has been a little bit different than the rest. Instead of focusing on the neural network, I have been developing a web app. This is something that I have experience with already from the program (CS 290, 344, 361).

One of my teammates made a website wireframe for me. This is a visual representation of the site, which I can use as a guide to write code. Ideally the final product looks as similar to the wireframe as possible.

For the routing of the app we are using Python and Flask. Most of the project has been written in Python so it makes sense to follow suit for web development as well.

def almost_done_project()
    return render_template(‘almost_done_project.html’)

Currently, the web app consists of three pages:

1. Home page

  • How to use the project
  • Form for inputing url of song or uploading .wav file

2. Team page

  • Photos and information for each team member

3. About page

  • Explanation of entire project, from motivations to results

It’s exciting to finally be getting to the end product. The end of the quarter keeps getting closer and closer and I am proud of what we have done so far.

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