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Category: Academics

Finding a Study Space  September 16th, 2015

Now that you’re on campus, and classes have started, where are you going to study? In order to do well in classes you need to go to class, but outside of the class you need to find a study space that will work well for you. Ask yourself some of these questions to find a good study space. What type of environment do you prefer working in, quiet or louder? Do you study better around people or alone? Do you want to sit at a table, desk,  couch, etc.? Think about all of these options while you walk around campus and town keeping an eye out for the study space that will work the best for you.

There are a lot of coffee shops or dining centers on campus where you can study if you don’t get distracted with people being around you.  If you like it to be really quiet there are very quiet areas in the Valley library on the 4th, 5th, and 6th floor or take a quick walk to the downtown Corvallis library. Make sure to check out all the different floors because you might find an area on a specific floor that’s perfect for your needs.  The OSU library is also great for group projects or if you just likes to study with a group of friends. There are study rooms in the library that you can reserve online or at the front desk. Other areas you might want to consider on campus are the MU, or your residence hall or co-op study lounges, or even the small study areas in Dixon Rec Center.  Your study spaces might be closer to you than you think.  Try giving the different study areas a try throughout the first few weeks and find the space that works for you!


How to Connect with Professors during Office Hours  September 16th, 2015

Hello New Beavers! Welcome to the first week of classes. During your first year it is unavoidable to have a couple large lectures with 300+ students. You may have been close with your teachers in high school and it is possible to have the same kinds of relationships with your new professors in college. The best way to do this is by putting in the effort to meet with them one-on-one. Here are some tips as to what to do when meeting with professors:

  • Check your syllabus to see where and when their office hours are
  • Email them ahead of time to give them a heads up as to when you are coming
    • This will make you hold yourself accountable to actually go as well
  • Go to their office on the day and time you said you would be there
  • Let them know your name, which of their classes you are in, and why you are taking this class
    • Bonus points if you don’t say, “I don’t know, my advisor made me”
  • Ask them what they like to do outside of teaching
    • I promise they have lives outside of a classroom


Some benefits of being on a first name basis with a professor in a large lecture hall are:

  • They have a face to your name, so if you are  .50% away from a better grade they will remember that you put in an effort to meet them and you will be more likely to get bumped up
  • If you use a clicker and it isn’t working one day, you can go up to them after class and let them know you were there. If they saw you in class then you are more likely to get those points
  • Professors in general are very interesting. They all come from very different backgrounds and you never know, you could have a lot in common with them, and it never hurts to have a faculty member by your side

Best of luck on your first week and say hi to your professors from me!



Academic Coaching! It’s FREE, why not?  November 1st, 2014

What is coaching?

Academic Coaching is an opportunity for a peer to peer conversation to focus on change, skill improvement, and growth of academic abilities. It is individualized, you can meet with a coach once or on an ongoing basis. It is a safe and confidential place to collaborate with a coach on an academic plan

How does this benefit students and why should students use it?

  • Good resource for transition from high school to college
  • Get on the right track/start college successfully
  • Get connected to resources
  • Building academic self-discipline
  • Peer Partnership/accountability
  • Tools for time management, testing strategies, textbook reading, note taking, etc.
  • Battle procrastination

Is it free?

YES! Appointments are free and are sponsored in part by Educational Activities.

What does an academic coaching appointment look like?

Coaching appointments are completely individualized. Students will be greeted by the staff when they check in and asked to provide some information about why she/he chose to come in. These reasons will be brought into the conversation with a coach and will be the core of the appointment. Students may plan out a term schedule of major assignments, fill out a weekly planner, or begin articulating short and long term goals of their education.

How do student set up appointments for academic coaching?

Appointments can be made in a variety of ways. We recommend coming into 102 Waldo Hall to set up an appointment and sit on our comfy couch.

  • Come visit us early in the term! Use your resources before you need them, not when you need them.
  • Take initiative of your own college experience and success, self-advocate
  • Don’t fall behind, look ahead
  • It is easier to develop good habits now, than break bad habits later. Work on developing your strategies for success early
  • Cramming doesn’t work.
  • Make an action plan for success! For example, your upcoming midterm.
  • Don’t give up. Be confident! One exam doesn’t define you.
  • Utilize your TAs and office hours.
  • Find the balance between your social life and academics!

Skills for doing well in a large Lecture Hall  October 13th, 2014

10:00am Monday morning was my first class at Oregon State University and I had it in Milam 026. At the time I figured Milam 026 would be like a regular high school classroom with maybe 30 desks placed in rows in front of a chalkboard with room for the professor to teach. Walking into the classroom I was greeted with the dull roar of 500 other students all awake at ten in the morning ready for biology 211. Like many students who first have a class in such a large space I didn’t know what to do. Unsure of what to do I stood in the front of the room looking at the sea of people who all seemed adjusted and ready to go. As if this auditorium was a normal classroom for them and they expected nothing else. Thankfully one of my floor mates saw me and yelled me over next to her and some other students I knew. They were sitting near the front and they had saved me a spot and from then on I knew that the front of the class was where I needed to be. Yet some students do not have the same luxuries I had and might not know where to sit or how to learn in such a large classroom. Below you will find some of my tips and tricks to maximize your learning in some of our larger classrooms on campus.

Sit near the front – Teachers remember and recognize the faces of the students who sit in the front row. Now if you decided to talk and be a distraction this will not help you, but if you are attentive the professor will remember that about you and having a professor who likes you opens up so many doors from references to potential research positions.

Avoid seats on balconies – High up in the balcony it is easy to tune out your professor, forget you are in a classroom and talk to your friends. Professors do not appreciate that plus it is not a good way to learn.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions even though it’s big – Again the professors remember and recognize faces and if you are asking relevant questions that will appreciate that. Also because you are in a large classroom the odds are that someone else will have the same question.

Find a way that works for you to take notes – Some professors put their lectures online for students to print out, some only post skeleton lectures, and some just talk to you and expect you to listen and learn. Weather you work best typing notes on your computer, writing notes on paper or on printed notes from your professor; learn which way works best for you.

Arrive to class 10 minutes early – Arriving early guarantees you a good seat in the classroom as opposed to the seats in the back corners where learning is more challenging.

Always sit in the same spot for classes and tests – Studies have shown that students who stay in the same spot do better than the students who sit in different spots for tests and lectures. When you move, your body has to get used to a variety of new things that could distract you, but sitting in the same spot sets up your body to learn a specific kind of material and perform better on tests.


Student Coordinator, New Student Programs & Family Outreach

Making the Most of Your First Week  September 28th, 2014

The first day of class has approached quickly and whether you are feeling over prepared, overwhelmed, or anywhere in between- that’s ok. Nerves are to be expected, this stuff is brand new and will take some time to get used to, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a few things you can do to better prepare yourself for the first week of classes and most likely make the rest of your term more successful.

  • It sounds simple but GO TO ALL OF YOUR CLASSES! The first week is when each of your professors will give out your syllabus (these are very important documents, always keep a copy either paper or electronic close by). Utilizing each of your syllabi will let you know when your assignments are due, when tests are scheduled, and help you plan the rest of your daily schedule.
  • Put your schedule in writing. Whether you use your phone, tablet, or hand written planner, having your schedule visible will allow you to find time slots that work best for studying in between classes, eating, working, and scheduling your time to socialize! If you create that schedule, you will be most time efficient and successful throughout the entirety of this term! Need help in efficiently planning your term, check out these Time Management steps or make an appointment with an academic coach to talk with a fellow, successful student about successful time management strategies:
  • If there are any changes you think are necessary to make in your schedule, do that this week! The sooner you change your schedule, the less class time you will lose and fall behind. To learn more about adding and dropping courses visit the Registrar’s Office website.
  • Find your favorite study space. Once you find a study space that is not distracting, and you become comfortable being there, you will most likely enjoy studying there more often and it will become habitual, then you can add that location into your planner!
  • Leave for class a little early, learn the easiest routes to your classrooms. Campus can be confusing at times, but soon enough you’ll know the fastest ways to each building, but giving yourself a little extra time in the beginning allows you to also see how beautiful campus can be in the fall!
  • Attend the Beaver Community Fair on Friday afternoon in the MU Quad. Here you will find tons of different clubs and organizations to get involved with this year. Being involved in a few outside of class activities will provide you with friends, entertainment, new skills and help you manage your time effectively.

There are numerous things you can do to make the most of your first week of classes, these are only a few. Just remember to enjoy this week, meet new friends, try some new food out on campus, and get yourself comfortable with campus. Get to know people in your classes, residence halls, clubs, organizations, or just say hello to someone while eating lunch! Enjoy your first week! For more helpful hints for Week 1 and beyond check out: Zero To Success

Printing on Campus  September 26th, 2014

As you prepare for your move and make last minute supply lists, don’t let advertising sway you into thinking that you have to buy a new printer to bring with you. There are many printing options around campus that make it possible to print out your class readings, worksheets, and assignments without buying one of your own.

  • Valley Library: Located in the center of campus, the Library is one of the most accessible locations to print. Plan accordingly though—the computers and printers are in high demand during the day (10AM-4PM), but if you can get in early, you won’t have to worry about a long wait.  Cost: 7 cents per page (black and white) which is tracked and billed directly to your student account.
  •  Milne Computer Lab: Located directly across the lawn from the Library, Milne is a much less trafficked spot where students can print.  Cost: 5 cents per page (black and white)

There are a number of other printing locations around campus that may be located in more opportune locations. You can find a complete list of printing locations around campus and pricing (each location varies) here.

  • 3D printing: There are several 3D printers around OSU’s campus, but the most accessible is located in the Valley Library. Students can submit models to be printed and even watch it get printed using the live video feed. For information on modeling software and formatting, visit the Library’s 3D printing guideCost: The cost is 10 cents per gram and, therefore, determined by the size of the model being printed and the amount of material required. Like all other printing, the bill is charged directly to the student’s account.
  • Large-scale or conference-sized posters: Student Multimedia Services (SMS) located in the Valley Library offers affordable printing for students’ large scale posters or conference-style presentation materials. For more details on the specific measurements and services offered, consult the SMS guide.


Cost: Every term, OSU students receive one free (36” wide) poster printing per course. Make sure to double check the formatting and spelling, if you find a typo, you will have to pay for the second printing. If you decide to laminate the poster, it is a $10 charge to your student account.

What’s in the Library  September 22nd, 2014

The Valley Library is full of more than just books.  It is home to Student Multimedia Services and the OSU Computer Helpdesk.

You can also rent lockers, check out laptops, kindles, and other tablets.

There are several computer stations and printing available.  Study rooms with whiteboards are reserve-able and lastly it is home to our Collaborative Learning Center.

We encourage you to stop in during CONNECT and find your way around, so you know where to head when it is time to study.

Full List of Services

Doing Homework Shouldn’t be Expensive  September 13th, 2014

Coming September 2014, all enrolled OSU students will have access to the latest full version of Office 365 Pro Plus on up to 3 devices (Windows, Mac, iPad, Android) at no cost via the Microsoft Student Advantage Program!  You will use the office suite a ton during your time at OSU with papers, reports, presentations, etc.  This is really a great partnership to get this product for free.

Social media- the good, bad and ugly  July 23rd, 2014

Facebook, Stumbleupon, Pinterest, YouTube, Linkedin, Twitter, Skype, there is no shortage of social media sites geared towards keeping us all up to speed on what’s going on with everyone, everywhere, all the time! While some of these sites can be extremely helpful, cheap, and easily accessible ways to keep in touch with loved ones and friends across the globe, they also have some downsides worth discussing.

First and foremost, social media sites have created a virtual footprint for every one of us that uses them. Our posts, our videos, our pictures, our likes, our favorite hangouts, are being broadcast across the internet constantly. Many college students are unaware of the impact that a simple Facebook post or YouTube video can have on their lives and those around them. Last year a UCLA student’s rant about students in the library ended up with her withdrawing from school after inciting a nationwide debate about racial intolerance and freedom of speak issues. Tyler Clemanti, a Rutgers freshman, committed suicide after his roommate put up a distasteful video of him on the web. While these are extreme examples, it is important to remember that everything you post on the web can be found (often even after you’ve deleted it). Before you post, think about how you’d feel if your grandmother read your post or watched your video, what about younger siblings, or your future boss, what about your high school teachers or coaches. If you wouldn’t want them reading or seeing it, then it’s best to keep it off the web. Also, think about how you are feeling at the time you log-on. If you are frustrated, angry, drunk, upset consider other ways to get your message out. Maybe a simply call to a good friend or writing in a journal would be a good alternative.

Secondly there’s the matter of time management. Many of you have probably lost at least a few hours of sleep, studying, exercise, etc. to these sites and with the increased freedom of your college schedule you might be tempted to spend even more time on these sites. You’ll be in good company as you’ll definitely see other students jumping between sites during lectures, while studying at the library, and everywhere else on campus. Yes, you can choose to be on Facebook 24 hours a day, but how will that impact your ability to concentrate in the classroom? How will your 2 hours a day checking out YouTube videos and your friends’ latest “Pins” impact the amount of time you actually hit the books? We’ve all heard of multi-tasking and some of us do it better than others, but be honest with yourself. Most students can’t move between a textbook or lecture notes and a computer screen without losing important content. It’s also true that most people can’t concentrate on reading or studying for more than about 30 minutes without taking a break, so think about shutting off the I-Pad, the phone, the computer when you need to study; it won’t be that long until you can take a break and “reconnect”.

In the end, staying away from social media is almost impossible, if not at least an unreasonable thing to do. However, making smart choices about how and when you use it will not only benefit you during your first-year at OSU, but well into the future.