Become an Ambassador for Agricultural Sciences, Forestry and Natural Resources!

Your College is looking for qualified leaders! Would you enjoy developing and enhancing your public speaking, time management skills, individual and group dynamics while engaging in activities that promote the College of Agricultural Sciences and the College of Forestry? You can develop these skills, prepare for student and pre-professional success, and enjoy doing so with several other students from both Colleges by becoming an Ambassador for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources.

Ambassadors have the opportunity to attend on and off-campus recruiting events; travel to high schools throughout the state and make presentations; attend professional conferences, industry and alumni events; engage in the marketing and promotion efforts of both colleges; and host students and parents to campus. As an Ambassador, you are able to meet and make valuable relationships with students, alumni, and staff throughout Oregon State University.

If you would like to know more about becoming an Ambassador, If you would like to know more about becoming an Ambassador stop by 137 Strand Agriculture Hall, 101 Peavy Hall or email

To access the application online you can visit: Applications will be due February 14th by 5:00pm in Strand Agricultural Hall, Room 137.