Reflections and Transitions

The 2016-2017 school year was one for the books. It was a year full of many successes and accomplishments. This all wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of the 2016-2017 Agricultural Executive Council to the College of Ag. As this year comes to a close the newly elected officer team has big shoes to fill.

The new officer team is ready to hit the ground running. Our year of service started on May 24 when we were elected at the last Agricultural Executive Council meeting of the year. Since then we have had our transition meeting and look forward to an officer retreat this summer. We are so excited to serve the college of Ag this upcoming school year.

I would like to introduce my fellow teammates and give you a glimpse of our summer plans.

President: August Peterson

He will be traveling to Vietnam at the beginning of the summer and will help build a home with Building Homes and Hope. After that he will be heading home to the farm in Ione, OR to work for the rest of the summer.

Vice President: Kayla Rushing

This summer Kayla will be working at the Oregon State University Turf Center as a landscape worker, where she will help prepare the center for a field day. She enjoys getting to be outside all day and getting her hands dirty on the job. She is also excited to be the maid of honor in her best friend’s wedding this summer.

Director of Correspondence: Monica Debord

Monica will be traveling to Costa Rica for two weeks for a study abroad program. She will also spend her summer working as a lifeguard and swim instructor at the North Clackamas Aquatic Park. When she isn’t working, she plans to spend time hanging out with friends or hanging out by her pool.

Director of Finance: Shelbie Mason

Shelbie plans to spend most of her time working this summer. She is also excited to spend some time traveling to Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana for an agriculture tour.

Director of Public Relations: Ericka Lepschat

Ericka is going home to Banks, OR and will be doing odd jobs on her grandparent’s farm and helping her mom with her at home daycare. She is also looking forward to 2 camping trips she has planned, the St. Paul rodeo and a few concerts.

Director of Ag Day: Katelyn Wetzler

This summer Katelyn is going back home to Clackamas and is going to spend time around their school farm. She is also attending the Charolais Junior Nationals in Nebraska and will be spending a week there showing her two heifers.

Director of New Fields: Mikayla Unger

I will be traveling to England for 17 days for a study abroad at the beginning of the summer. After that I plan to work all summer at Stahllbush Island Farms and continue my internship at OmniGen Research. I am also looking forward to camping trips, the Willamette Country Music Festival, and some rodeos.

Advisors: Dr. Katie Gaebel and Raisa Blazquez

Dr. Gaebel is going to be presenting at several experiential learning conferences. She is also looking forward to hiking in New Mexico and traveling around Oregon visiting with student interns.

Raisa is looking forward to going back home to Spain for a month and will spend the rest of her summer working.

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and we will see you in the fall!