Winter Term 2016 Recap

A view of the lively CAS Dance

The Agricultural Executive Council started off Winter Term by hosting the annual Etiquette Dinner. This event was open to any student involved in an Ag Exec club. Brian Field, President, and Royce Ann Simmons, Vice President, of Harvest Capital Company were our speakers for the evening. They gave a presentation on proper etiquette for professional dinners and demonstrated how to mingle during our “mocktail” reception. The Council looks forward to providing more professional development events to students in the future, as this event proved to be so beneficial!

Our annual Ethics Panel took place the next month. The panelists Dr. Mary Santelmann, Mr. Shaun McKinney, and Mr. Jerome Rosa did an exceptional job of discussing how ethics plays a role in the theme for the night, “Conservation vs Preservation.” They were able to draw from each of their individual professional experiences in answering questions posed by the audience concerning issues in the agricultural industry. The insight from the panelists was greatly appreciated by council members.

Shortly following the Ethics Panel, the officer team hosted the annual College of Agricultural Sciences Dance at the Women’s Building on campus. The Country Western Dance Club co-hosted the event and provided music and a fun atmosphere filled with dancing, and a spaghetti dinner was provided! Guests were asked to donate canned food or pay an entrance fee for the event, which made it possible for Agricultural Executive Council to donate over 500 dollars and a substantial amount of canned food to the Linn-Benton Food Share. Clubs had the opportunity to get creative and enter a centerpiece into a contest. Steer-A-Year Club took 1st place with PVMA Club following closely behind, and Agricultural Education Club taking 3rd.

Several guest speakers came to monthly council meetings to provide information upcoming events and opportunities. Council members were able to learn more about the Oregon Young Farmers and Ranchers Program, the Leadership Academy, open to all students in the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry, and the Winter CAS Panel and Networking Event.

The Spring Industry Tour, also known as the Agriland Tour, will take place in Portland and the surrounding areas from April 8th-10th. Students will tour a variety of locations and have the opportunity to speak with leaders in several different areas of the agricultural industry. In early May, Ag Days with the theme of Oregon Beyond Borders will take place. Clubs in the College of Agricultural Sciences will be in the MU Quad and the SEC Plaza promoting their activities. There will be speakers and many other events taking place during the week as well. Come check out Ag Days to see some adorable animals and learn more about agriculture!


A group shot at Etiquette Dinner


Ethics Panel attendees


Council officers dropping off canned food from the CAS Dance.