Faculty Spotlight: Kristopher Elliott

Name and title:

Kristopher Elliott, Instructor—Agriculture Education & Agricultural Science Department

Where are you from?

I am originally from Linden, CA, though I just recently moved from Sacramento, where I had been teaching high school agriculture for the last two years in an urban school. Prior to that, I lived in Hanford, CA, where I taught in a seven person agriculture program with over 700 agriculture students.

Where did you attend college?

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo…Go Mustangs! Don’t worry beaver fans; they aren’t even in the Pac 12.

What is your favorite college memory?

I loved my ag education courses, and I had the chance to be a part of an amazing cohort, but outside of my classes and the great faculty I would have to say my favorite memory was student teaching. As they say, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” but I wouldn’t trade any of it for a minute. It was during student teaching when I really knew I had made the perfect career choice.

What do you like most about OSU?

The people here are amazing! I get the chance each and every day to work with amazing faculty and staff who are passionate about what they do. More importantly, the students here at OSU are serious and professional about their educations. The bar has been set relatively high by the successes of past graduates, and my impression of the students here is that they are prepared to continue raising expectations. This combination of faculty, staff, and students makes Oregon State the place to be.

What kind of transportation did you use in college?

Unfortunately, when I went away to college I had to give up my Old Jeep CJ-5. It topped out at 55MPH, which made the usual 3 ½ hr trip about 5 hours–unbearable! It wasn’t so great on gas either. I ended up with a Ford Ranger Pickup throughout most of college. I did try biking to class, but due to the many hills in San Luis Obispo, biking to class meant that you would very likely be covered in sweat by the time you made it up all those hills, especially on those warm central coast days. Bikes definitely weren’t as popular in San Luis Obispo as they are here.

What is your favorite agricultural commodity?

Tough one, being from Linden I would have to say cherries. They were the biggest crop in the area, and it seemed that everything revolved around them (especially in late May and early June). Walnuts, also big in my home town, would be a close second.

What is something that you enjoy doing in your free time?

Pretty simple, in the summer, its mountain biking or hiking. In the winter, it is definitely Skiing! I can’t wait for winter to be here, and if I had it my way, there would only be two seasons, summer and winter.

Do you have any advice for students in the college of agricultural sciences?

College is less about changing as an individual and more about becoming more of who you already are. For the first time in your life, you have full control to make the choices that will impact your future, so make wise ones. You are surrounded by endless possibilities here at Oregon State, from the academic side to getting involved in clubs and community events. Not only did I meet my wife in college and solidify my career choice as an agriculture educator, I met most of my closest friends there. Make the time you have here count!