Our project, Beaver Vault has been going really great, and I am super proud of the work me and my team have done so far. I really enjoy our group, I think we work well together and I have gotten to them a lot better. It’s nice knowing everyone’s strengths and weaknesses, and knowing who can tackle what items.
I worked on a lot of the initial front end of this site. When we first got going last term, the first big thing I did was take our vision and make a baseline react application with the barebones parts of the website. I think that was a big step as it lets us all have something to start working from. Since then I’ve been working on a lot of the backend stuff like authentication, access tokens, and multifactor authentication.
I think although working with the group has been great, I think it also has been my biggest challenge. I am definitely used to working on things all by myself, so working on code with other people who are editing code at the same time has been a struggle. Not only merge errors when trying to merge out branches, but just the different ways people write code and structure their projects has been a learning curve. However, I think it’s a great learning experience. Learning how to work with other people on one codebase is an essential part of being a software developer!
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