Blog Post #4

I think my favorite technology that we are using for Beaver Vault is React. It is the technology that I am super comfortable with, and I love how easy it is to build websites that display dynamic data. Using all the nice third-party libraries that work with React is a dream, too. Like using Material UI for the beautiful visuals, and Redux.js for the better state management. Because React is such a widely used tool, it has so many great additions to it that make it even better. I plan to use React in the future for personal projects as my main front-end JavaScript library.

The technology I enjoyed the least working with was the SQL databases that we were trying to get up and running for our backend database. We had so much trouble trying to get an SQL database up and running through Heroku and kept having issue after issue. Finally, we landed on an SQL database with Digital Ocean that worked great. It was still not a fun process to deal with that and set it up. Overall, database design is not my favorite part of full-stack development either, so that probably has something to do with it.

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