
Hello world!

Greetings and thank you for visiting my blog. This will be the first of a series of blog posts for my final course at Oregon State University for my Capstone course. I will provide a background about myself and how I went into Computer Science.

As a child and when I was in middle school, I enjoyed developing websites for fun and I would heavily use GeoCities to help host websites for friends and family to support their businesses and organizations. I did not consider that I could work in web as a career at this time. I was always fascinated with computers especially having grown up during the 1990s in California (an exciting time in tech!), but I never saw myself going into Computer Science. I ignored this field for several years, but I did pursue my interests in health care as I always found the etiology of diseases fascinating. I used to read the Kaiser Permanente Healthwise Handbook to figure out any health issues I may be having. I would also read it in my spare time since the information was presented so well. I majored in Biology at UCLA and I was interested in finding a way to apply what I learned towards studying the etiology of diseases and at the public level rather than at the individual level. This led me to pursue and complete a Master of Public Health following my completion of my degree in Biology. I eventually worked in health care technology.

As I start this course, there are key items that I hope to learn in this course. I hope to learn how to apply the knowledge that I have learned over the years studying the various aspects of Computer Science. I am seeking to successfully apply this towards a project from the first phase and to the last phase. I am also hoping to learn about more ways of improving team performance and what the best practices are for making sure that this is completed. I want to learn about what the steps are to ensure that a project has realistic goals and expectations and what the methods are to guarantee that each step towards these goals and expectations are accomplished. I am also interested in learning more about the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and being able to successfully apply this towards the project I am working on with my group. I want to apply the Scrum framework towards our project as well.

I have worked in numerous group settings, but I do notice a trend in who I am as a person in terms of a group dynamic. As a team member, I often see myself as a contributor or collaborator but often I find myself becoming the leader as well. My style often becomes a combination of leading but also participating as a contributor in a creative way. I often find my best way of reaching project milestones is by collaborating as a team and I enjoy communicating through different methods with my team members.

Thanks for reading my first blog post on here!


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