Christine Atwood and Lori Fulton recognized for driving OSU’s Supplier Diversity Outreach

Christine Atwood, Administration and Diversity Manager with PCMM and Lori Fulton, Manager, Capital Administration with CPD, receive recognition for their efforts to advance supplier diversity at OSU.  As a collaborative effort to advance Minority-owned, Women-owned and Emerging Small Businesses (MWESB) outreach last year, Christine and Lori participated in public education and outreach events, as well as focused on providing increased education to other departments within OSU regarding understanding and identifying MWESB opportunities.

There was already “a commitment of OSU to being a really diverse university,” stated Lori Fulton. In their respective roles, “part of our responsibility was to put together our annual MWESB report,” she added. “We wanted to get more involved in the outreach as well as the reporting.” The collaborative efforts go beyond collaboration between PCMM and CPD.  As Christine explains, “We’re not just meeting small business, but also starting collaborations with other agencies. It’s a lot about making connections and relationships. It takes time. It’s not an overnight process.”

Read the full interview on Northwest Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council’s news page.

Thanks to Christine Atwood and Lori Fulton, the Corvallis university has stepped up its supplier diversity efforts, leading to the increase. Atwood is the Administrative and Diversity Manager for OSU’s Procurement, Contracts and Materials Management Department and Fulton is the Manager, Capital Administration for the school’s Capital Planning and Development division.

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