Category: Uncategorized

  • A New Name

    This blog post is about who will be using our project — and why it means we have to change our name. This project attracted me because of its real life use. As fun as it would have been to spin up some niche project that gets binned the moment I was done with the…

  • Next to Nothing

    The technologies I was most surprised to find in our stack used together after learning what our project was, was Next JS and Flask. I knew that React was certainly going to be used here, it is a web application after all, but it was a strange choice to me to pair the two. We…

  • Clean Code

    It’s been about a year since I read Robert Martin’s book, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, and I figure it’s time I revisit the principles that still stand in this 15 year old book. I took a look at this short article by Tyler Hawkins which gives a quick rebuttal to those…

  • (Even) More Python

    Python has made its way into every facet of my software developing career at this point. My journey using Python started with one of my larger personal projects; it was at the time my favorite programming languages to work in. But now that python has crept its way into my work and has been a…

  • An Outline of the Marketplace

    The project is finally at the stage where coding work is starting. Given our team is taking over this application from the year prior’s team, most of our coding work is figuring out what the current code is doing. Up until this point though, it has been a lot of writing. I had started the…

  • MVP: An introduction

    This is the first blog post in a series of posts about a new project I am a part of. More specifically, a capstone project for my computer science degree. As the title of this blog may (or may not) suggest, the project is about plants. Documenting and categorizing native plants in the pacific northwest…