Decision Package

Separate decision packages may be listed here as they correspond to their impact columns in the AABC template.  Included should be all decision packages regardless of fee impact (increase, decrease, zero impact) along with a brief description for each justifying the allocation of funds.

Decision Package #1 $1.45 Cost/Student/Term (Column S in AABC Template)

$100,000 is being requested towards the reserve pan for the SEC.  This is not the %50 amount of $420,431.  The lower amount is a multi-year plan to building reserves on a new building that will not require substantial fees for a few years.

Decision Package #2 is not being requested by the MU.

Decision Package #3 $1.14 Cost/Student/Term (Column W in AABC Template)

Request for a 1.0 FTE plumber.  See attached PD

Cost: $47,700 + $30442 in Benefits | Total $78,142 (per AABC HR & Finance)

The Memorial Union is requesting funding to support the addition of a new classified staff in the area of Building Services (Plumber). Building Services maintains the buildings and equipment systems of the Memorial Union, Diversity Development and their 4 newly construction Cultural Resource Centers, the Pride Center and the existing Asian Pacific Cultural Center.  In recent construction, the MU added two new buildings to the inventory of maintenance:  The Student Experience Center and the Plaza and its event space, the Canopy.  During this period of asset growth for the Memorial Union, the number of student programs in the Memorial Union has tripled, MURFS satellite restaurants grew to six total, and we assumed maintenance responsibilities for the Child Care Center on 1 July, 2014.

Additionally, the 7 new buildings have driven our staff to learn digital systems for building climate controls, life safety systems, access controls, lighting and other support systems where mechanical or electrical interface was the standard.  We have had to carve time out of existing schedules for this learning to take place and for system administration of digital controls.  In the seven buildings that feature climate controls, we have three different manufacturers’ systems to learn, own and manage.

Building Services has not added any maintenance staff since assuming responsibilities for these new buildings, restaurants and equipment systems.  Some of our staff manage not only multiple buildings, but also multiple systems.

This position would:

  • Provide us with a level of Plumbing response that current building demand requires.
  • Improve our Preventive Maintenance (PM) focus on equipment, managing it to a long life expectancy and high level of sustainable operation.
  • Enable current Refrigeration Mechanic to focus on the buildings, their climate systems and oversight of the digital building controls.
  • Provide advising and assistance to food service managers and student staff in equipment safety and training, industry best practices and the efficient operation of their equipment in each specialized restaurant configuration within MURFS.
  • This position will continue to evolve; as technological demands require.
  • This position would dedicate staff to improving our response time to MU Retail Food Services 11 restaurants, especially 7 satellite locations while decreasing the time between reactive operational support visits.
  • This position would provide development opportunities to students working at the Memorial Union in this field.

Plumber HR Classification: Plumber – Classification Specifications